Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Escalator Etiquette

Proper human-to-human etiquette barely exists, nonetheless escalator etiquette in Baltimore Metro. 

Stand On The Right (

This applies to escalators city-wide. If you wish to remain stationary, the right side is where you belong.
Not in the middle*.
Not on the left.
This includes your shopping bag(s), too. Forget about taking a cart — or worse, a stroller, complete with infant.
It's obvious, yet despite instruction signs, some folks insist on standing wherever they like. Hong Kong is a fast-paced city: some people are either in a hurry or can't stand waiting. The left side of the escalator is their lane.
Think of it as a multi-lane highway: the fast lane is not the place to drive 30 km/h. When you block the left side, you create a traffic jam.
It's bad enough when one person does it, but when you and your friend (or group of friends, students) stand there gabbing on the same step, you're impeding progress. Shut your pie-holes and move to the right.
Moving sidewalks, however, are another matter. The point of these contraptions is to speed pedestrians through long, flat passageways by augmenting walking speed. In case you haven't noticed, standing still defeats the purpose.
The elderly and the infirm are welcome to remain still, as long as they stand on the right. Everyone else who stops is just lazy. Any able-bodied person who stops and stands on the left ought to have a cattle prod inserted in his nether regions.

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