Friday, March 22, 2013

Mighty Tree Killed by Torched Toilets
Only in Baltimore would people think it is logically ok to put burning hot coals into a porta potty.  Safety First!

"Three porta-potties set in the shade of the old White Swamp Oak for the comfort of spectators and players. What could be more perfect? At game’s end, the spent hot coals from the grill were disposed of into one of the porta-potties. The hot coals combined with residual liquid to set the two adjacent potties ablaze. The Baltimore City fire department responded quickly and extinguished the fire. But alas, the damage had taken its toll on this magnificent champion. The fire climbed twenty-five feet up the trunk searing the bark to a blackened toast. Beneath it laid the melted blue plastic of the porta-potties, burned toilet tissue, springs and latches from the doors, and the remains of the charcoal that had caused this inferno."

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thief Breaks Into Popeye’s, Eats 16 Slices Of Pie, Gets Tired From Eating All The Pie, Takes Nap, Gets Arrested

Thief Breaks Into Popeye’s, Eats 16 Slices Of Pie, Gets Tired From Eating All The Pie, Takes Nap, Gets Arrested

You may remember from a previous posts that Popeyes not only has wifi (!), but also caters!  Nonetheless, it's also apparently a great place to get a late night snack...and take a nap afterwards.

"N. Broadway, 300 block, Feb. 19, 5:17 a.m. Police responded to Popeye's in reference to a burglary. Upon arrival, they found a 62-year-old man asleep on the floor. Security camera footage revealed that he had eaten 16 slices of pie, applesauce, and water. He apparently got sleepy from all the pie, and took a nap on the floor. He was arrested."


I would like to personally thank Mr. Chase for his contributions to this story.