Courtesy of the Baltimore Sun- Outside main hospital entrance |
Emails to all Hopkins employees:
"There’s a shooter incident on Nelson 8 in The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Stay in your office or room and lock doors until an all-clear is announced. Stay away from windows. Wait for instructions."
"All Johns Hopkins faculty and staff on the East Baltimore medical campus should wear their Hopkins ID badges prominently. Individuals who do not have Hopkins ID badges should leave the campus immediately."
"The Johns Hopkins Hospital is not currently locked down, but visitors are being asked to stay out of the Nelson Building. Employees who have hospital identification badges can be in the building, but are not to try to access Nelson 8. Patients on Nelson 8 are going to be evacuated to other locations throughout the hospital.
Pregnant women in active labor should be encouraged to go to the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center."
"The situation in Nelson 8 is controlled. Business operations for the rest of The Johns Hopkins Hospital should continue normally. The shooter is contained in the hospital but is not in custody at this time. Police are reporting that they are in control of the situation. The victim is a faculty physician who is currently being treated at Hopkins. Privacy and confidentiality policies prohibit us from giving further details at this time.
All statements to the media should be made through the hospital’s official spokespeople. Employees should refrain from discussing the incident with the media."
"The situation in Nelson 8 is controlled. The shooter is contained in the hospital but is not in custody at this time. Police are reporting that they are in control of the situation. Business operations for the rest of The Johns Hopkins Hospital should continue normally.
The victim is a faculty physician who is currently being treated at Hopkins. Privacy and confidentiality policies prohibit us from giving further details at this time.
As mentioned previously, visitors to JHH are being asked to stay away from the Nelson Building. Patients in Nelson are being evacuated to other areas of the hospital. Employees with identification may remain in Nelson but should not attempt to access the 8th floor.
Pregnant women who are in labor and in need of care are asked at this time to go to Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. Pregnant women who have outpatient clinic visits scheduled should consult their physician’s office and reschedule if they can."
"The shooting incident is over and Baltimore City police will hold a press briefing shortly to provide details. The Johns Hopkins Hospital is grateful to the Baltimore City Police Department for its successful efforts to end this situation and protect our patients, visitors and staff.
Access to the Nelson Building is temporarily restricted, but the rest of JHH is reopened and back to business as usual. The victim is a faculty physician who is currently being treated at Hopkins. Privacy and confidentiality policies prohibit us from giving further details at this time. Visitors to JHH are still being asked to stay away from the Nelson Building. Employees with identification may remain in Nelson but should not attempt to access the 8th floor of Nelson. Pregnant women who are in labor and in need of care are once again able to come to JHH."
"As a reminder, all Johns Hopkins faculty and staff on the East Baltimore medical campus should wear their Hopkins identification badges prominently. In addition, all statements to the media should be made through the hospital’s official spokespeople. Employees should refrain from discussing the incident with the media."